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to cool_snow....please watch.....

發表於 19-4-2007 02:00:48 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
cool_snow....i know what you are thinking at the moment....you want to beat J.L......you want to Beat his forum...you want many people to visit your forum...but its just not the way that you should do.....you shouldn't announce your feeling problems in the forums....you two were both injurd in feeling in your daughter's birthday event....and....as a friend of you and J.L.....i can't accept myself watching you two keep going against each other.....please....not considering for yourself but please consider about me....I felt very nervious of not helping or even can't help my friends....please don't give me such a hard way to help.....please give up......

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發表於 19-4-2007 02:40:27 | 顯示全部樓層
hey i think u should stay out of this lol this is their's problem =] so i think we better dont do anything about it .....
btw really dislike wt u guys had say to me before on there,
i really hate it ~ i did not done anything wrong ...... y do u have to ban me ~ i really liked there before, but not anymore
just because i did somthing which comeone dont like about it ~ not breaking any rules ......
and i get ban ....... omg this world is fair
now i kn y some others are leaving

i am sorry to break ur heat ( by any chance if i did ) but i hate that place ;)

[ 本帖最後由 lokhin 於 2007-4-18 18:42 編輯 ]
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發表於 19-4-2007 02:43:37 | 顯示全部樓層

1) 由頭到尾我冇係任何一到叫人唔好去佢 forum, 你自己睇清楚, 係樂古有會員唔好上佢 forum

2) 想佢個 forum 死就一定, 我都唔再理佢, 佢仲係到攪咁多小動作又係一個大男人所為?? 個女人都唔理架啦, 佢仲好似好叻咁周圍唱, 你要幫邊一面你既事, 不過有眼既睇人就知, 而且我自己個 forum 既人, 每一個都係佢地知我離開佢 forum 之後, 自己會開既, 係佢 forum members 問我拎, 如果佢有料既話, 我唔需要做任何野佢既會員亦會留低

仲有至於你所講話我 max out melee state drop party event, 我可以話你知, 呢個人係其他人面前就扮好人, 背後就講番幾多我既野出黎,
仲要佢自己又老作一 d 野出黎, 果次 drop party 我真係好唔開心, 佢一句聲都冇出, 不過之後仲要周圍講比人知我拎左佢既 full sara??

(呢一個 post 當我一開既時候, 已經比佢用佢既強權 deleted, 而家因為佢自己既版 update 又彈番出黎, 唔需要我多講)

3) 我唔係一個好蝦既人, 不過我亦唔係好鍾意去同佢嘈, 而家邊個周圍係 msn 講番九千幾世之前我做版主既野, 同我 msn 果個人只係一個新玩 rs 新到 forum 既人, 跟本亦都唔知我係佢個 forum 做過版主, 我亦都冇同呢個人講過同隻垃圾行左幾耐, 佢又可以答到我, 真係好可笑

你自己唔清楚成件事, 就唔好多多聲, 好多人會上黎睇戲的, 我又唔怕多人上左樂古架,
每一個版要多人上之前都係有人要攪事, 先至會紅, 可能佢果面好耐冇人上去嘈, 而家

仲有一樣我岩岩諗到, 如果你只係想比呢段野我既話, 其實你玩左咁耐樂古你應該識得用 pm, 你可以用 pm 比我架,
唔需要係版到打出黎, 係咪要撩嘈, 各人會明白, 因為你 post 既 topic 都係比我睇架唧, 唔好亂將 forum 功能亂用,
雖然我唔係樂古 rs 版主, 不過我相信好兩個版主睇到之後都會叫你用 pm 比我囉~!!!

[ 本帖最後由 cool_snow 於 2007-4-19 03:31 編輯 ]
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發表於 19-4-2007 10:45:54 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 21-4-2007 12:34:04 | 顯示全部樓層
想尋人用pm會更快捷方便 !!
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發表於 21-4-2007 13:02:11 | 顯示全部樓層
Resolve this matter in a peaceful way, Although i don't know much about this problem of yours, But i think fighting with words is not going to end anywhere good,
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發表於 22-4-2007 22:40:38 | 顯示全部樓層
任何 私人恩怨
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發表於 22-4-2007 22:47:39 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 22-4-2007 23:25:12 | 顯示全部樓層
我覺得係唔知係邊左抄右抄 咁走出來

如果真係 自己打...我會有咁既諗法..

"真定假架?!! 燎原火有咁勤力 咁偉大咩!!!!"

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發表於 24-4-2007 00:05:08 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 [H]stevencc 於 22/4/2007 11:25 PM 發表
我覺得係唔知係邊左抄右抄 咁走出來

如果真係 自己打...我會有咁既諗法..

"真定假架?!! 燎原火有咁勤力 咁偉大咩!!!!"





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